Finally, a Course thats designed for businesses just like yours

Imagine a training course that comes to you,

so no travel,
no shutting down the office.
Imagine having the opportunity to inspire, challenge and mold your team into a top performing unit.
Imagine having the opportunity to discuss how the business is going, plan for the future and reality check your plans,, mission, vision and values

Well that's what Born to Perform can do for you

come away with
Inspired staff, with new motivation and drive
lower sick leave and staff turn over
increased productivity
A collective voice and buy in to the business plan
optional on going support to ensure this keeps happening

who doesn't like to celebrate success

you chose exactly what you want to cover and the length of your training.
From 1 to 4 days, usually spread out over a number of weeks

Yes, its all about getting you back to basics

using my no nonsense approach to business, we will be getting back to basics and helping you get those business ducks in a row.
sales, communication, planning, team dynamics

How often do you spend time as a team?

Getting together as a team, all of you having a chance to speak, to give your opinion and build a more effective, productive work place 


My sales training delivers a comprehensive look at the sales cycle and we will develop your plans and strategies, to get your product to market, effectively, efficiently and to the right people


covering personality types, listening skills, body language and  much more, we discuss how you interact as a team and with your clients and how we can improve your skills 

Business strategy and Planning

we delve into your mission, vision and values
we unpick the culture in your business and revisit your brand.
A perfect time to review your plans, both long and short term